Apariția rosturilor și microfisurilor

Changes in the humidity of the environment can cause the floor to expand and shrink, leading to the appearance of cracks. If the environment is excessively dry, with a humidity level below 30%, it is recommended to use a humidifier to avoid damage to the wooden floor. For this we offer the following tips:

– A simple trick, which can be useful to increase the humidity level, is to leave the door open when showering, so that the steam from the shower spreads throughout the house.
– We can also hydrate wooden floors by cleaning frequently with hot water using well wrung mops to avoid excess water.
– To prevent the problem, we can choose to regularly care for the floor with products containing lanolin, a natural ingredient that hydrates the wood over time and restores its properties with use.
– Wax treatment is needed to protect your floor from environmental effects. This will help us avoid damage due to the environment and we will give an exceptional shine, restoring its original appearance.